Plants not only contribute greatly to the decoration of spaces, they are also responsible for maintaining a green, healthy environment and, above all, with good air quality. In this note we tell you some perfect plants for the winter season.

Cactus: the one that never fails

If the time factor is a bit complicated for you, having a cactus is the best decision. In addition to needing little care, they are quite hardy plants that can be without human care for a long time. The best thing is that there is a wide variety of shapes and sizes, which will make them adapt to any space in your apartment. Fact aside, they have also become one of the main trends of decohogar by not leaving residues such as leaves.

Calathea: ideal for indoors

It is usually a tropical plant that grows in the shady places of the forest and, therefore, an accessible solution if your apartment does not have direct street lighting. The characteristic color of its leaves is attractive for decoration, in addition to remaining so green throughout the year, even in the winter seasons. The calathea does need a little more care; such as watering it interdaily and mainly that it is never exposed directly to the sun.

Hydrangea: ready to give color

In case you are looking for a plant that will endure the winter and at the same time provide a touch of color to your apartment, hydrangeas are the right ones. This plant withstands the shade, the low temperatures and the best thing is that you can get them in different colors. Use them in a  hanging pot holder or on your balcony; and fill your apartment with color with natural elements.